
Posts Tagged ‘sweetness’

“Tiny Fingers”

In Uncategorized on July 10, 2010 at 5:25 pm

I was having one of those “off” days yesterday.  You know the kind, things just seem out of whack, you don’t quite feel yourself, yet you can’t put your finger on the exact thing that’s causing it.

I was in my stay at home Mom shoes yesterday, didn’t have to be at my store.  I’m so fortunate to have those days at home, yet every mommy task was pulling at me.  I was muddling through.  Then it changed with the help of some tiny fingers.  My baby’s fingers to be exact.  Mind you, she’s four, but still my baby.  After a very typical lunch, she decided to lay on the couch for a few minutes.  “Mommy, will you snuggle?”  She didn’t have to ask twice!   I closed my eyes to relax.  Her tiny fingers began to gently touch my face.  “Mommy, what’s that spot?, Why do you have lines there?, Will you give me Eskimo kisses?”  Of course she was pointing out all of the imperfections on my face that i usually obsess over, but it didn’t matter.  Her tiny fingers were like little injections of energy and sweetness.  Each one made my smile a little bigger, till we were giggling!  Finally an Eskimo kiss, her favorite.  That ten minutes changed my day.  Her tiny fingers.

I smiled more the rest of the day.  This is why I’m here.  I am blessed:)